It was a little bittersweet taking photographs for this family. Over the last 18 months, they have done so much for my family. We took these pictures just a few weeks before they headed back to America and on to their next assignment. These images were taken near the white gazebo and cactus garden and behind the National Orchid Garden. Enjoy!
I love photographing families in the Botanic Gardens. The scenery is amazing and there’s such a variety of backgrounds. Plus, it’s a great place for kids to run around. This family was so incredible to work with. Their kids loved the camera and were so natural. We shot these photographs around the performance amphitheater in the middle of the gardens.
I had such a good time photographing this family. Their four kids sure kept me on my toes. Man…if I could bottle their energy, I’d be rich! We had a great time running through the National Orchid Garden within the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The scenery was breathtaking. Thank goodness for the greenhouses, though, because we sure got hot. Thanks, Gatlin family, for such a great experience. Excited for next year.